Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Vacation

Well, things are back to the grind in chilly Minnesnowta.  It's good to be "home" and sorta back in our normal routine but it was nice (though at times exhausting) to see all our family in Missouri. 

Christmas was a success all around, although it was postponed for one side of my family as my grandpa remained in the hospital.  Beth and I both acquired a good amount of practical loot.  I'm currently enthralled in a book I received from my mother-in-law on the life of Deitrich Bonhoffer (appropriately titled, "Bonhoeffer," and written by Eric Metaxas).

Although equal time was spent with each side of the family, there was only one event photogenic enough for me to chronicle (which I have to credit to my other favorite gift, a Motorola Electrify M...what a great phone).  These are a couple pictures of a Duff family tradition--the Christmas Eve visitation of Santa Claus.  This same dude has been doing this every year for as long as Beth can remember....and he's good.  I'm just glad I didn't have to sit on his lap this year.

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