Thursday, December 13, 2012

Real Men Attend (Congo) Baby Showers

Beth and I had the pleasure of hosting a baby shower this past weekend for our good friends, the Mukweges.

They are from Congo so the whole concept was completely foreign to them.  But we had a great turnout and we were able to bless them in a unique way while they are far from family.

Anyway, it was my first baby shower and Beth put me in charge of games.  I had fun with that, of course, and it allowed Beth to focus on the food and gifts and details and stuff.  I suggested we should go into business as a baby shower planning team.  Seriously, ladies, invite me to your baby showers; you won't regret it! (note: please do not actually invite me to your baby shower)

The real point of this post is to give you some background on who the Mukweges (Alain and Deborah) are and about the situation they have lived through in Eastern Congo.

Alain's father, Denis Mukwege, is actually a surgeon and activist that has been repairing victims of sexual abuse for years in Congo.  Rape is a form of warfare in Congo and Dr. Mukwege has become somewhat of a spokesperson against the violence.  He's received all kinds of awards and even been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

A few months ago he spoke before the UN General Council demanding international support.  When he returned home he found his house overtaken, his daughters held at gunpoint, and men intent on killing him.  Shots were fired and a man gave his life protecting Dr. Mukwege.  Fortunately, Alain's family escaped the assassination attempt unharmed.

Anyway, I've written an essay about this whole situation and my relationship with Alain that is currently undergoing review for publication (so I can't actually post it here).  My hope is that it will increase awareness of the situation in Congo.

Here are some links if you'd like to learn more:

1 comment:

  1. Ladies, DO invite him to your baby showers! He rocked the games!
