Saturday, December 8, 2012

Who will it be today? #5

Who will it be today?  Me.

What a novel concept.  Sometimes it's not about who we can encourage or bless, but who can bless us.  We all need our "sponge" to be saturated, after all, before we can ever wring it out.  For me, this sort of encouragement usually comes through a message or a small group discussion or a word from scripture, but a couple weeks ago it came in the form of a complete stranger.  I haven't been able to get the image of that experience out of my mind so I decided to preserve it as part of this series.

I was waiting for some prescriptions to be filled at the hospital (something I find myself doing on a weekly basis).  They weren't quite finished yet so I took a seat there in the lobby.  About this time I heard a faint, singing voice coming from the direction of the gift shop.  I readjusted my position to get a better view.
Sure enough, the information desk attendent was singing.  She was a volunteer, a petite Asian woman standing behind the desk with a hymnal in hand.  Her voice was quiet and her demeanor was timid, and yet it was obvious she was singing because she wanted people to hear.  There was nothing spectacular about her voice, only her courage; indeed, she was either very sweet or very odd.
As people walked by, some would stop and smile.  Others seemed to feel sorry for her and the awkwardness she was creating.  One man finally stopped and started singing with her.  It wasn't until that point that I could even make out what was being sung...

"When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be!"
"When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory!"

She had taken it upon herself to encourage the patients and families in that hospital.  And it was beautiful.  As I later realized, she could barely speak English, but she knew a few hymns (and, apparently, how to give decent directions to the cafeteria).  She didn't care what she couldn't do and she didn't intend to rely on her own abilities to make anything happen.  She just trusted that her God would use her in some way to help some people.  I think He did.

Who will it be tomorrow?

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