Monday, November 12, 2012

Who will it be today? #1

Who will it be today?  Guy needing directions.

So, I had been feeling really challenged to start being intentional about sharing Jesus with strangers and, last week, I told my Bible study to hold me accountable in that--I wanted them to ask me how it went this coming Wednesday.
I proceeded to make my letter that I can give to people, which I determined would decrease awkwardness and allow for smoother interactions.
My first attempt was this past Saturday and was an epic fail.
Today was, in my opinion, a success.  The two tries were pretty much opposite in every way and taught me some valuable lessons about being a witness.

Some things I learned:

1.) You can't do this sort of thing with an objective of pleasing men.  At first, I felt like I had to follow through and "make something happen" because people were holding me accountable.  I was trying to force a divine appointment and that really isn't how it works.  After chasing this guy with a pony tail around the Civic Center for most of the morning it finally dawned on me that, if God wanted me to talk to him, He'd probably provide an opportunity.

2.)  You have to practice the presence of God if you want to see opportunities through His eyes.  Certainly, my experience today was so much better and felt so much more natural.  I prepared for the morning with prayer; I left the house with joy in the Spirit.  As I was walking through the hospital, I made a conscious effort to smile at people and say "hi."  I came to a guy who looked lost and, without even thinking about it, I asked him if I could help him find something.  I gave him directions.  He seemed grateful.  And as he turned to leave I was reminded (perhaps by the Spirit) that I should give him my letter.  And so I did.  Maybe he'll be encouraged or maybe it won't affect him in any way.  Regardless, I felt peace knowing I was obedient to Christ in that moment and, at the very least, I'm pretty sure I gave foolproof directions to Francis 1.

Who will it be tomorrow?

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