Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Who will it be today? #3

Who will it be today?  The hitch-hiker.

I don't normally pick up hitch hikers.  In fact, this was my first one.
Beth and I were on our way back to Missouri for Thanksgiving and, somewhere in central Iowa, we came across a gentleman trying to flag down a ride.
For whatever reason, I felt like we should turn around and see what he needed.  After we talked to him for a while I had a peace about helping him get to Interstate 80.
Turns out he lives in California and was trying to get back there.  He had been in Iowa because his mother had lived there and had recently died.  He was a nice guy.  Almost child-like in his innocence.  He has PTSD, apparently, but I don't know any details about the trauma he has experienced.  It doesn't matter really.  It's a devastating condition and, I'm sure, it is the main reason he finds himself in such undesirable circumstances.

I wanted to give him a letter but I didn't have any on me.  In this case, though, I never got the impression God wanted me to share knowledge with him.  I got the feeling he's heard all he needs to hear.  What God wanted for Beth and I was for us to be hands and feet.  We had been divinely appointed to take a man that mattered to the Father from Nowhere, Iowa to a random Pilot Truck Stop on Interstate 80.  We prayed with him, filled his belly, and became his facebook friend.

Who will it be tomorrow?

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